
 電磁波汚染と健康 / ザミール・P. シャリタ, Zamir P. Shalita, 加藤 やすこ, 山手 智夫 / 緑風出版
・P. シャリタ, Zamir P. Shalita, 加藤 やすこ, 山手 智夫出版社:緑風出版サイズ:単行本ISBN-10:484610401XISBN-13:9784846104016
● 3日で運がよくなる「そうじ力」 / 舛田 光洋 / 三笠書房 [文庫]
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Daniel Zamir / Redemption Songs
2015/11/20 発売輸入盤レーベル:TZADIK収録曲:


 電磁波汚染と健康 / ザミール・P. シャリタ, Zamir P. Shalita, 加藤 やすこ, 山手 智夫 / 緑風出版
・P. シャリタ, Zamir P. Shalita, 加藤 やすこ, 山手 智夫出版社:緑風出版サイズ:単行本ISBN-10:484610401XISBN-13:9784846104016
● 3日で運がよくなる「そうじ力」 / 舛田 光洋 / 三笠書房 [文庫]
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 電磁波汚染と健康 / ザミール・P. シャリタ, Zamir P. Shalita, 加藤 やすこ, 山手 智夫 / 緑風出版
・P. シャリタ, Zamir P. Shalita, 加藤 やすこ, 山手 智夫出版社:緑風出版サイズ:単行本ISBN-10:484610401XISBN-13:9784846104016
● 3日で運がよくなる「そうじ力」 / 舛田 光洋 / 三笠書房 [文庫]
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改訂第3版 C言語入門 (ASCII SOFTWARE SCIENCE Language) ハンコック,レス、 ゼミール,サバ、 クリーガー,モーリス、 Hancock,Les、 Zamir,Saba、 Krieger,Morris、 彰, 倉骨; 明美


■改訂第3版 C言語入門 (ASCII SOFTWARE SCIENCE Language)
■ハンコック レス




 Lights: Music for Chanukah ZamirChoraleBoston / Zamir Chorale Boston / Zamir
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 An Introduction to Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice/JOHN WILEY & SONS INC/Zamir Iqbal / Zamir Iqbal, Abbas Mirakhor / Wiley
著者:Zamir Iqbal, Abbas Mirakhor出版社:Wileyサイズ:ハードカバーISBN-10:0470828080ISBN-13:9780470828083
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 C Primer (Computing That Works) / Les Hancock / Les Hancock, Morris Krieger, Saba Zamir / Computing McGraw-Hill
著者:Les Hancock, Morris Krieger, Saba Zamir出版社:Computing McGraw-Hillサイズ:ペーパーバックISBN-10:007026001XISBN-13:9780070260016
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こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDですがリージョン=ALLですので国内製DVDプレイヤーでも視聴可能です。種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:Opera/Operetta Music Video (Concert/Performance)発売日:2005/9/20出演者:Jacek Laszczkowski, Maria Riccarda Wesseling, Miriam Meyer, Sharon Rostorf-Zamir, Wolfgang Katschnerアーティスト:Les Lunes du Cousin Jacquesディスク枚数:1コメント:Handel's five act opera Teseo was premiered in 1713 at the Queen's Theatre in London. After flopping with his previous work Il pastor fido Handel tied up to his big success Rinaldo and again created an opera with a heroic subject, sophisticated stagecraft


Die Frau zur Zeit der Aufkl?rung im Zwiespalt zwischen Vernunft und Gef?hl am Beispiel von 'Emilia Galotti' von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
<p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In Lessings 1772 uraufgef?hrtem b?rgerlichen Trauerspiel 'Emilia Galotti' wird dargestellt, wie wichtig der Erhalt der Tugend f?r das B?rgertum tats?chlich war, und dass dieser Tugendrigorismus sogar ein Menschenleben kosten kann. Die Gesellschaftskritik, die Lessing mit diesem St?ck ?bte, f?hrte schon zu seinen Lebzeiten zu einer brisanten Diskussion. Das Drama ?bt klare Kritik an der privilegierten Lebensf?hrung des Adels, aber auch am Tugendrigorismus des B?rgertums. F?r die Hauptperson Emilia Galotti ist es nach Entdeckung ihrer Verf?hrbarkeit nicht mehr m?glich, den hohen Tugendanforderungen ihres Vaters Odoardo gerecht zu werden. Darum entscheidet sie sich lieber f?r einen Tod in Unschuld als f?r ein Leben in Schande. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass die Menschen im Zeitalter der Aufkl?rung ihr Leben in einer noch sehr unaufgekl?rten Weise vollzogen, wird deutlich, dass die Ver?nderungen und Umbr?che der Aufkl?rung im 18. Jahrhundert nur langsam Wirkung zeigten. Vor allem Frauen litten unter den gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen. Sie durften weder ihre Individualit?t nicht ausleben, noch war es ihnen gestattet aus ihren traditionellen Rollenbildern zu entfliehen. Somit befanden sie sich im Zwiespalt zwischen W?nschen, Trieben, Gef?hlen und den von der Gesellschaft verlangten Tugenden, Moralit?ten und der Vernunft. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird der geschichtliche Hintergrund zur Entstehungszeit des Dramas 'Emilia Galotti' erl?utert. Dazu wird zun?chst das Frauenbild zur Zeit der Aufkl?rung untersucht. Im Anschluss daran werden die Werte des Adels und des B?rgertums kontrastiert dargestellt. Im Hauptteil stehen die Faktoren im Vordergrund, die Emilia Galotti in den Zwiespalt zwischen Gef?hl und Vernunft gebracht haben und welche auch letztendlich ihre Todesursache darstellen. Dazu wird ihre Erziehung, ihre Unterw?rfigkeit dem m?nnlichen Geschlecht gegen?ber und das Motiv ihres Todes anhand entsprechender Textstellen analysiert.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Ascent Philosophy and Paradise Lost
<p><em>Paradise Lost</em> has never received a substantial, book-length reading by a philosopher. This, however should surprise no one, for Milton himself despised philosophers. He associated philosophy with deceit in his theological writings, and made philosophizing into one of the activities of fallen angels in hell. Yet, in this book, philosopher and literary critic Tzachi Zamir argues that Milton's disdain for their vocation should not prevent philosophers from turning an inquisitive eye to <em>Paradise Lost</em>.Because Milton's greatest poemconducts a multilayered examination of puzzles that intrigue philosophers, instead of neatly breaking from philosophy, it maintains a penetrating rapport with it. <em>Paradise Lost</em> sets forth bold claims regarding the meaning of genuine knowledge, or acting meaningfully, or taking in the world fully, or successfully withdrawing from inner deadness. Other topics touched upon by Milton involve some of the most central issues within the philosophy of religion: the relationship between reason and belief, the uniqueness of religious poetry, the meaning of gratitude, and the special role of the imagination in faith. This tension-disparaging philosophy on the one hand, but taking up much of what philosophers hope to understand on the other-turns Milton's poem into an exceptionally potent work for a philosopher of literature. <em>Ascent</em> is a philosophical reading of the poem that attempts to keep audible Milton's anti-philosophy stance. The picture of interdisciplinarity that emerges is, accordingly, neither one of a happy percolation among fields ('philosophy', 'literature'), nor one of rigid boundaries. Overlap and partial agreement clash against contestation and rivalry. It is these conflicting currents which <em>Ascent</em> aims to capture, if not to reconcile.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Countering Iran's Regional Strategy A Long-Term, Comprehensive Approach
<p>For decades, the Islamic Republic of Iran has sought to extend its influence throughout the Middle East, and the threat has only grown more serious amid the regime’s enhanced conventional military capabilities and proximity to a nuclear breakout. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has spearheaded Tehran’s expansionist “four capitals” strategy, focused on Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut, and Sanaa. In Iraq, the IRGC works through elements of the government-funded Popular Mobilization Forces; in Syria, through the regime of Bashar al-Assad; in Lebanon, through Hezbollahーwhich can be regarded as Iran’s “model” proxy; and in Yemen, through the Houthis, who hold territory and oppose the internationally recognized government. In all these places, the IRGC has exploited civil wars and interstate conflicts to spread its political, economic, and military influence.</p> <p>In this Policy Focus, Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir, IDF, draws on his deep experience in the Israeli military establishment to propose a detailed plan for undermining Iran’s influence in the regionーan approach that will preserve U.S. and Western interests, reinforce Israel and America’s Arab allies, and promote regional stability.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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 Lights: Music for Chanukah ZamirChoraleBoston / Zamir Chorale Boston / Zamir
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Ethics and the Beast: A Speciesist Argument for Animal Liberation ETHICS & THE BEAST
ETHICS & THE BEAST Tzachi Zamir PRINCETON UNIV PR2007 Hardcover English ISBN:9780691133287 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Nature


Ethics and the Beast A Speciesist Argument for Animal Liberation
<p>Many people think that animal liberation would require a fundamental transformation of basic beliefs. We would have to give up "speciesism" and start viewing animals as our equals, with rights and moral status. And we would have to apply these beliefs in an all-or-nothing way. But in <em>Ethics and the Beast</em>, Tzachi Zamir makes the radical argument that animal liberation doesn't require such radical arguments--and that liberation could be accomplished in a flexible and pragmatic way. By making a case for liberation that is based primarily on common moral intuitions and beliefs, and that therefore could attract wide understanding and support, Zamir attempts to change the terms of the liberation debate.</p> <p>Without defending it, <em>Ethics and the Beast</em> claims that speciesism is fully compatible with liberation. Even if we believe that we should favor humans when there is a pressing human need at stake, Zamir argues, that does not mean that we should allow marginal human interests to trump the life-or-death interests of animals. As minimalist as it sounds, this position generates a robust liberation program, including commitments not to eat animals, subject them to factory farming, or use them in medical research. Zamir also applies his arguments to some questions that tend to be overlooked in the liberation debate, such as whether using animals can be distinguished from exploiting them, whether liberationists should be moral vegetarians or vegans, and whether using animals for therapeutic purposes is morally blameless.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Double Vision Moral Philosophy and Shakespearean Drama
<p>Hamlet tells Horatio that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in his philosophy. In <em>Double Vision</em>, philosopher and literary critic Tzachi Zamir argues that there are more things in Hamlet than are dreamt of--or at least conceded--by most philosophers. Making an original and persuasive case for the philosophical value of literature, Zamir suggests that certain important philosophical insights can be gained only through literature. But such insights cannot be reached if literature is deployed merely as an aesthetic sugaring of a conceptual pill. Philosophical knowledge is not opposed to, but is consonant with, the literariness of literature. By focusing on the experience of reading literature as literature and not philosophy, Zamir sets a theoretical framework for a philosophically oriented literary criticism that will appeal both to philosophers and literary critics.</p> <p><em>Double Vision</em> is concerned with the philosophical understanding induced by the aesthetic experience of literature. Literary works can function as credible philosophical arguments--not ones in which claims are conclusively demonstrated, but in which claims are made plausible. Such claims, Zamir argues, are embedded within an experiential structure that is itself a crucial dimension of knowing. Developing an account of literature's relation to knowledge, morality, and rhetoric, and advancing philosophical-literary readings of <em>Richard III, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Antony and Cleopatra, Hamlet</em>, and <em>King Lear</em>, Zamir shows how his approach can open up familiar texts in surprising and rewarding ways.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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 C Primer (Computing That Works) / Les Hancock / Les Hancock, Morris Krieger, Saba Zamir / Computing McGraw-Hill
著者:Les Hancock, Morris Krieger, Saba Zamir出版社:Computing McGraw-Hillサイズ:ペーパーバックISBN-10:007026001XISBN-13:9780070260016
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Ethical Dimensions of Islamic Finance Theory and Practice
<p>This book provides an introductory theoretical foundation of the ethics embedded in Islamic economics and finance, and it shows how this ethical framework could pave the way to economic and social justice. It demonstrates how Islamic financeーa risk-sharing and asset-backed financeーhas embedded universal values, ethical rules, and virtues, and how these qualities may be applied to a supposedly value-neutral social science to influence policy-making. This book argues that ethical and responsible finance, such as Islamic finance, could lead the efforts to achieve sustainable economic development. Iqbal and Mirakhor then conduct a comparative analysis of Islamic and conventional financial systems and present Islamic finance as an alternative that can address today’s growing problems of inequality, social injustice, financial repression, unethical leadership, and lack of opportunity to share prosperity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Zamir ha sei giorni quando una bomba esplode a El-Aman, il campo profughi al confine tra Siria e Turchia dove sua madre l’ha abbandonato.Sopravvive, grazie allo sforzo sovrumano di un chirurgo, ma ? solo al mondo e con il volto sfigurato.Allevato dalla All for All, stimata organizzazione umanitaria internazionale, Zamir diventa un bambino simbolo; ideale per raccogliere fondi. Denaro a fiumi che per? non va nella direzione giusta. Dietro la facciata, Zamir scopre corruzione, traffico di neonati e anche peggio. Non si lascia scoraggiare. Lui sa per cosa soffre. Per cosa piangerebbe, se la sua faccia artificiale glielo consentisse. Troppo sangue macchia la terra.Bisogna fermare la guerra, fermare i massacri.Entrato nella Fondazione per la Prima pace mondiale, Zamir capta segnali. Ovunque stia per scoppiare un conflitto armato, lui accorre, previene. Incontra ministri, dittatori, terroristi. Per costringerli a trattare, li inganna, li ricatta. Non si concede riposo, e non si ferma di fronte a nulla. La pace, prima di tutto. A ogni costo.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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 An Introduction to Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice/JOHN WILEY & SONS INC/Zamir Iqbal / Zamir Iqbal, Abbas Mirakhor / Wiley
著者:Zamir Iqbal, Abbas Mirakhor出版社:Wileyサイズ:ハードカバーISBN-10:0470828080ISBN-13:9780470828083
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 C Primer (Computing That Works) / Les Hancock / Les Hancock, Morris Krieger, Saba Zamir / Computing McGraw-Hill
著者:Les Hancock, Morris Krieger, Saba Zamir出版社:Computing McGraw-Hillサイズ:ペーパーバックISBN-10:007026001XISBN-13:9780070260016
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Eleanor Rigby The Chronicles of Great Love and Fall of Great Empire
<p>This novel is as a keepsake. It comes to us from times irreversable, when the Kyrgyz Republic was still solidly embedded in the USSR and few people dared to dream about an independent future. For most Kyrgyz, contacts with the West were limited to the one-way traffic of Beatles-cassettes brought about by Soviet soldiers serving in Eastern Europe. In those late seventies, early eighties, a period of stability in Soviet history, the events of this story take place. Four students experimenting with telepathy turn upside down their home village when one of them fixes in his dream a date with an english girl. In expectation of her arrival, the students agitate the whole population to tidy up their houses, the streets and in the meantime their morality. Kyrgyz tradition prescribes hospitality, but the isolated village lacks of many elementary conveniences. By depicting the struggle with the bureaucratic authorities which the students have to fight in order to improve the life circumstances, the writer shows the defects of the political system. The novel is a cultural critique, a profound complaint against the mentality of inertness fostered throughout decades of Soviet rule. Though the students are oriented to the West, they love their homeland and keep hoping for a better future. Now that reality has surpassed all dreams and Kyrgyzstan has become a democratic republic, people ardently try to get rid of the past. Contacts with the West flourish in the form of international organisations which aim to develop a civil society in Central Asia. As a journalist, the author is watching the changes in his country attentively. His novel was an invitation for the West to come, but the story doesnt end with it. We can expect a following-up, since these times of transformation are fascinating for all who are interested in the young republics of the former USSR. The editor, Kirsten Verpaalen (anthropologist)</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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A Gift for the Bereaved Parent - 2nd Edition A Remedy for grief from the Islamic perspective using quotes from the Qur'an and Ahadith
<p>The loss of a child is probably the most painful experience a parent can go through. It is at such times of deep sorrow and grief that people often turn to their faith. This book has been written to address this need from the Islamic perspective using quotes from the Qur'an and Ahadith. In addition, the author has drawn from her experience as a Muslim Chaplain at a children's hospital to clarify some of the questions and confusion that a bereaved Muslim parent may ask or feel.</p> <p>A Gift for the Bereaved Parent gives permission to be human whilst offering comfort, healing and gentle encouragement through the grief. It is a guide and companion to be turned to again and again.</p> <p>This booklet is a part of "Red Balloon Resources": Support in Multi-faith and Cultural Paediatric Health, Palliative and Bereavement Care. Further copies and information about other resources are available from the Project director, Paul Nash, [email protected].</p> <p>All profits go towards the ongoing support of children, families and staff in Paediatric Health, Palliative and Bereavement Care.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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<p>Praise for <em>Hemo-Dynamics</em>:</p> <p>“This book provides an elegant and intuitive derivation of the fundamental mathematics underlying fluid flow, and then applies these in a straightforward way to pulsatile blood flow in all its complexity. One of the triumphs of the book is that Zamir succeeds in making essential concepts such as the Navier-Stokes equations completely accessible to any reader with a knowledge of basic calculus. The author succeeds in conveying both the beauty of his subject matter, and his passion for the elegance and intricacies of fluid flow more generally.”</p> <p><em>Lindi Wahl, PhD, Professor of Applied Mathematics, The University of Western Ontario</em></p> <p>“Incredible, the figures alone are to die for… At first glance “Hemo-Dynamics” seems like a deep engineering and modeling dive into the mechanical properties of the cardiovascular system, blood, and how they interact to generate flow and pressure. However, the text is laid out in a stepwise manner and I was especially impressed in the way that the key conceptual figures illustrate the essential concepts. In keeping with the philosophical underpinnings of engineering, Professor Zamir has also constructed his book so that the format, text, equations and the figures are self-reinforcing. This isa book that will be of great use to those who seek to understand the cardiovascular system from a mechanical and m</p> <p>odeling perspective.”</p> <p><em>Michael J. Joyner, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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2016/2/5 発売輸入盤レーベル:JAZZHAUS RECORDS収録曲:


 Lights: Music for Chanukah ZamirChoraleBoston / Zamir Chorale Boston / Zamir
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Who Killed Unais, the Son of Light? Seven Voyages of Modern Sindbad
<p>On the trespass to another universe -Did you imply that communicate with another universe? -Yes, I did and more, I found way to change our rigid world for better shape and consistence through these phenomena. And I will do that, when I made broader this tunnel, better paved it inside, when many other people will rushed into that trespass and joined to other world, to its achievements and treasures.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Espiguita ?Para qu??
<p>Espiguita, ?para qu?? Es un cuento de Filosof?a Esencial para Ni?os en el que todos podremos encontrar de nuevo un espacio para las preguntas de siempre, esas que nos hacen ser fil?sofos de coraz?n a cualquier edad.</p> <p>Est? con la sabidur?a del amor que l?nea tras l?nea nos acerca a una literatura m?s sensible, cuidadosa y que provoca las respuestas desde el interior de cada lector. Es un texto para cantar, pintar, hacer poes?a y embellecer a cada momento y embellecer a cada momento la lectura.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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 An Introduction to Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice/JOHN WILEY & SONS INC/Zamir Iqbal / Zamir Iqbal, Abbas Mirakhor / Wiley
著者:Zamir Iqbal, Abbas Mirakhor出版社:Wileyサイズ:ハードカバーISBN-10:0470828080ISBN-13:9780470828083
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The Gift of the Face Portraiture and Time in Edward S. Curtis's The North American Indian
<p>Edward S. Curtis's <em>The North American Indian</em> is the most ambitious photographic and ethnographic record of Native American cultures ever produced. Published between 1907 and 1930 as a series of twenty volumes and portfolios, the work contains more than two thousand photographs intended to document the traditional culture of every Native American tribe west of the Mississippi. Many critics have claimed that Curtis's images present Native peoples as a "vanishing race," hiding both their engagement with modernity and the history of colonial violence. But in this major reappraisal of Curtis's work, Shamoon Zamir argues instead that Curtis's photography engages meaningfully with the crisis of culture and selfhood brought on by the dramatic transformations of Native societies. This crisis is captured profoundly, and with remarkable empathy, in Curtis's images of the human face. Zamir also contends that we can fully understand this achievement only if we think of Curtis's Native subjects as coauthors of his project.</p> <p>This radical reassessment is presented as a series of close readings that explore the relationship of aesthetics and ethics in photography. Zamir's richly illustrated study resituates Curtis's work in Native American studies and in the histories of photography and visual anthropology.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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